SUROVI is founded by the year of 2009.Initially it was a Shishu Panchayat(Children Org.) under the Manab Sewa Sangha (MSS) bearing the Concept by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti. It was performing only the activities by the MSS and GSDS collaborations are mostly periodic. As per demand made by the course of time gradually SUROVI became to take some own initiatives so as to have attachments with various social and developmental processes. SUROVI started its journey with some voluntary activities like awareness on right to education, girl child education, social and evvironmental pollution etc. holding a strong concept "MONEY IS SECONDERY- all is about your goodwill and efforts towards social development". With the goal SUROVI has done some acceptional jobs within the year of 2010 and at present SUROVI has 3 Literacy and personality develoipment centres those are being operated by the SUROVI members with their dedicated services entertaining no external supports.
SUROVI members organised a meeting on Environmental Pollution on March 15th 2010 at SKK High School including about 200 students from the School so as to generate awareness on various Environmental issues especially SOCIAL POLLUTION having common expressions towards maintaining Cleanliness, Health, Hygene and peace around at own level.
Wishing all the best towards the sutdents community for up coming examination from Team SUROVI.
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